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Saturday, October 3, 2020

It is your right! Use your super power!

 As those of us in the U.S. enter the final month before the 2020 election I thought I'd give my opinion(s) on voting.

Voting is a right, granted in the U.S. constitution to all citizens 18 years or older. It is not a privilege or entitlement but a right.

Traditionally the younger generations don't vote in high numbers. After some research it seems something like 30% of young folks voted in 2016.

Traditionally older generations vote in high numbers.

These are important facts. If every young person today voted in the next election they would out number the older generations. As a citizen our super power is the right and practice of voting. I don't think younger people feel much connection with the candidates or understand how powerful their super power is. Sure, neither candidate may embody the change and ideals the younger generation has. That's always going to be the case.

When I was young I didn't feel much connection either and didn't feel election after election that much would ever change. The one thing I always did was vote. It's a tough call sometimes. But I chose to take the stance of voting for the candidate(s) I thought would do the MOST good for the people and the country. That ideal has gotten me through many elections and my conscience feels good with that choice.

If we look at the U.S. today there are glaring problems. Not only in the U.S. but around the world; climate change, running low on natural nonrenewable resources, stripping forests to build homes, stores, gas stations. Viruses have been on the rise as we disturb their natural reservoirs. We also know nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA - the instructions and builders of life - mutate. Viruses are microscopic structures that carry DNA or RNA and they infect cells, usually specific cells. These are issues that plague us.

It seems the older generation sweeps them under the rug. "It's all a hoax, climate change isn't real, what do you mean viruses mutate, there's plenty of coal, oil and natural gas, don't listen to the media." I've heard it all, over and over.

Truth: These things are really happening and the younger generation is attuned to the fact that they are happening. They are discouraged by those who don't believe it. That's why it is so important for young people to vote. It is the world you are inheriting and you can start making a positive difference if you use your super power and vote.

Fact: The younger generations in the U.S. outvoted the older generations in 2018. If only 30% voted, imagine how much a difference 90% would make?

Fact: The younger generations tend to vote very similar. The older generations don't change much in voting patterns and/or parties.

Fact: You don't HAVE to choose a political party. You can register as an independent or no partisan voter.

I urge all the younger people that aren't yet registered to vote to get online now and register.




Once registered use your vote, your voice, your super power to vote in the Nov. 3 election!

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