Brain to Books Blog Tour
Fast Facts
Author: Elizabeth A. Cooper
Genre: YA, Fantasy, Fiction
- Numbers: Where Their Story Begins from theNumbers Series
- Terrible Me
Elizabeth Cooper is the author of the Numbers series as well as her short story Terrible Me. She currently works as a nurse, while writing in her free time. She lives in southern New Hampshire with her husband, one year old son and boxer. To learn more about Elizabeth and download a free copy of Terrible Me visit www.
Elizabeth loves helping those around her, this inspired her to become a nurse. She has worked at various levels in the nursing field Sent from my iPad
Blurb for Where Their Story Begins
Destiny discovers that fate has placed her as the salvation for the Numbers. She must find the Sacred Garden, a place neither seen nor heard of in centuries. Can she save her race before the Necromores find her or will she be too late?
Blurb for Terrible Me
Written by Kimberly Murphy
Numbers takes you on an action packed adventure, tangled with mystery and romance, you won't want to miss. Cooper leaves you on the edge of your seat yearning for more. This is a must read!
Written by Pamela Lyon
Excellent book. Once I started reading it, it was difficult to put down. I had to see what happened next!! The characters draw you right in! Enjoyed it a lot! A must read!!!
Excerpt from Numbers
My feelings explode from my chest as if I can't contain them anymore. Chris, it's as if I am seeing his features for the first time, the soft scar that spreads across his cheek, the shimmer of his lashes in the sun, the way his muscles flex as he's holding the clock. I want to run to him, hold him, never let go, but I can't, my feet are frozen in place. I can't do this, I would be going against everything that I've learned, everything that makes me a Number. But Chris, what would I do without him?
Interview with Elizabeth Cooper
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Cooper: Well no one really calls me Elizabeth, all my friends and family know me as Liz. I grew up knowing I wanted to help people, so I put myself through nursing school and currently work full time int eh medical field. I have always enjoyed reading young adult novels and I woke one morning with an idea. I wrote the idea down and couldn’t stop writing, i kept having new creations and ideas flow through my mind, by the time I was down I had my first novel Numbers in my hands. I live in NH with my husband, one year old son and my boxer mix. When I’m not writing I’m usually hanging with my family, wrangling my one year old and entertaining the dog.
Is this your first book?
Cooper: Yes! Numbers: Where Their Story Begins is my first released title. I have since completed a short fiction story, called Terrible Me, about a teenager battling the addiction fo power and greed. I am also working on the second and third books in the Numbers series as well as a short on the origins of the Numbers.
What genre do you enjoy writing the most and what is this book about?
Cooper: I enjoy writing young adult novels, it seems all the stories i have written fall into that category, they also tend to be fantasy, about magic, time travel and powers.
Numbers follows Destiny Sojourns a high school junior who has lived her life on the run. The Number on her side marks her difference and gives her good fortune. The Necromores want to take away the Numbers abilities and claim them as their own by drinking their blood.
Destiny discovers that fate has placed her as the salvation for the Numbers. She must find the Sacred Garden, a place neither seen nor heard of in centuries. Can she save her race before the Necromores find her or will she be too late?
What inspired you to write this book?
Cooper: I was inspired by all of the other great young adult authors there are. I have discovered so many amazing stories from indie authors to big time. I love reading and I wanted to create an amazing story of my own.
How did you come up with a title for your book series?
Cooper: The title Numbers came form the Numbers marked on each side of the members of the race. They end up calling themselves Numbers when they discover that the roman numeral is not just a symbol or lettering but an actual Number. Since the them of the stories revolve around them as a race, I wanted the title to clearly portray that. As for the subtitle where their story begins, I thought this was fitting since this was the first book in the series as well as Destiny’s first time discovering who the Numbers truly are and the race she is part of.
Tell us about your cover.
Cooper: The cover was designed on a website called Fiverr, after a few botched designs an amazing artist under the name jeshart. I would give her the description of the book and a few details that were really important. Based on that informations he designed a cover that she felt portrayed the story. After that I was able to work with her to tweet and add images that I wanted portrayed on the cover such as the sword in Destiny’s hand.
Destiny being the main character in the story I definitely wanted her to be a part of the cover, the sword being the most important object also needed the spotlight. I wanted Destiny to look fierce, yet still the childish heroine she is. The background of the school portrays how Destiny had to break out of the school routine and take on the challenge of saving her race.
If you could cast your characters in the Hollywood adaption who would they be?
Cooper: Destiny, I feel would best be portrayed by Dakota Fanning, someone strong and confident, as well as younger in age. Chris I think would be best portrayed by Jamie Campbell Bower, someone also with strong confidence but can show his emotional side.
What does your writing process look like?
Cooper: Usually every morning I get up around 4 am. I write for an hour and edit for an hour. I have a nice office and desk upstairs, for some reason i always prefer to sit at my kitchen table and write.
What book do you wish you could have written?
Cooper: I wish I wrote the Mortal Instruments Series. I love love love those books. There incredibly captivating and always keep me wanting more. I love the relationship between Jace and Clary, I love how they have to struggle like a normal couple would. they learn each others ups and downs yet love each other despite that.
What so you consider your best accomplishment?
Cooper: Until recently I had always though my greatest accomplishment was completing nursing school. I never thought about really doing anything else with my life. Now that I have written and completed a few novels I would definitely say writing and publishing my first book is my greatest accomplishment. I have never faced a bigger challenge, one that I have to continue to fight through, learn and grow. i’m incredibly proud of myself for with standing the failures and choosing to fight despite loosing a few battles.
Do you have any other talents or hobbies?
Cooper: Yes, my husband and I enjoy snowboarding in the winter. Living in NH we get quite the snow storms around here. Sometimes I feel as though I live in a perpetual winter like Narnia, snow boarding helps me stay sane during the winter months. I also play piano, I started when I was 15, I play in my churches band.
What are your current projects?
Cooper: I am currently working on the second and third books in the Numbers series. I am hoping to make a trigly. I am also writing a short story that explains the original origins of the Numbesr, how their race first began. I am hoping to release the second numbers book- Legacy of the Necromores at the end of this year. Tune into the blog for sneak peeks.
If anyone is interested in beta reading I’d love to give you a copy, send me a message at contact@intentionalfamilylife. com
What do you wear while writing?
Cooper: Um… it’s early in the morning so usually Pjs like sweat pants and a t shirt.
Do you have a pet?
Cooper: Yes I have a dig named Remy. He is a boxer mix, our vet seems to think he’s mixed with grey hound but who knows really. He’s brindle with a long lean body and big floppy goals on his face.
What is your biggest fear?
Cooper: To not succeed, this is something I’ve always wanted to be, a writer and to fail would mean to start over and I’m not ready to do that yet.
What is the one place you want to visit that you haven’t been to before?
Cooper: I really want to go to Hawaii. I don’t know if that’s because I have friends that live in Hawaii and I have to constantly look a their beautiful pictures on my news feed or because I actually want go there.
Interview with Destiny Sojourns ofWhere Their Story Begins
Destiny, as a junior in high school did you ever imagine your life would turn out this way?
Destiny: “No, of course not. I thought I was going to take a year off from college, get a decent job and figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I’d never imagine I would be stuck facing down fate.”
You have a Number, what does that mean?
Destiny: Numbers have good fortune placed on them, they beat odds they shouldn’t. Many Numbers are in high ranking positions because of there good futures.
That must be amazing to be Number, I wish I had one!
Destiny: Being a Number comes with a lot of great rewards but many of us have lost family and friends. We are being hunted by the Necromores, they want to take our good fortune away, they want to destroy us. We constantly have to live on the run, hiding and defending ourselves.
What about Chris, didn’t you land the handsome side kick for this heroic adventure?
Destiny: Yes! Chris’s green eyes, short styled hair and even the cute little scar across his left cheek made me head over heels. If only I could be with him, if only I could tell him how I really feel.
Do you think you will ever be able to be with Chris?
Destiny: No, there are details I can’t say right now, but there are rules and if we were together we’d be breaking a lot of them.
What was the most dramatic change for you int he book?
Destiny: Finding out my family’s secret, the Sojourns family being named the ones to save the Numbers from the Necromores. I didn’t know what to do, I still don’t know how I’m going to save them. My mom gave me a giant sword, come one, what am I supposed to do with that?
Did you like the ending to the book?
Destiny: I wish I had all of this figured out by the end of the book, now there are new threats, new challenges I have to face to save my race, to save the Numbers. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to finish. I’m glad Chris will be sticking around to help me save the world.
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