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Sunday, December 27, 2020

COVID vaccine - strictly informative

For those of you who don't know I love science, especially biology. I've been following the COVID 19 crisis over the globe. There isn't a corner it hasn't affected. According to Florida's COVID -19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard 11/26/2020 more than 60 million people worldwide have tested positive for the disease and over 140 million people have died.

Those are glum odds but we've all been assured vaccines are on the way. Which vaccine you get or have the opportunity to receive will depend on where you live. It may also depend on your job and/or health and/or age. BioSpace has a great article comparing the current vaccines. I urge you to read it.

After reading it you see there won't initially be enough of these vaccines to vaccinate a world population of over 78 billion people. What that means is by the time vaccines are widely available is that there will probably be even more available.

MedCram has awesome videos explaining the various vaccines and how they work. Understanding the science is as important to me as understanding how affective they are and even which one I'd rather have shot in my arm.

Pfizer BioNTech

Moderna vs. Pfizer

AstraZeneca Oxford

I hope you took the time to inform yourself and spread the word. In the mean time don't forget to continue using other precautions. Keep yourself and others safe and healthy!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Soul Discover Book 5 by Miranda Shanklin

I have reached thee end of another great series! 


My thoughts:
In the final book Anissa and gang are now in charge of the realms so to speak. They find they must find a way to make peace between them. It's not an easy job especially with so many hybrids and malevolent forces.The fairies and trolls aren't so pleased.
I'm so proud of how much they've grown up and how ready they are to tackle new problems. Chase's feathers are a bit ruffled because he feels the need to keep Anissa safe as if she can't do it herself. I laughed a bit. So typical of men.
It's a great final story to the series, although a bit sad it ended. Soul Discovery doesn't lack the excitement of the other books in the series and the magic. Yes, I love the magic! Anissa has become pretty creative and crafty with it.
I definitely recommend to anyone, teenage and up who loves paranormal romance and magic!

Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Ballot: Part 2

 Comfort wrapped its arms around Marie as she entered her neighborhood. A yard sign of the person she she'd voted appeared to smile at her as she made the left onto the quiet road. The residents of her subdivision were diverse and friendly. There was little to no crime and the closest people on the child predator list were miles from her house.

It was the kind of area where children could play outside and the whole neighborhood watched over them. Children walked to and from school. Their laughter and giggles carried in the air on breezy days and the older children stopped under the large shade trees by the lake.

Marie dropped her keys on the counter and turned on the TV. Finding a good mystery she settled in for the evening, The patter of rain on and off. Her heart content she'd done the right thing but the waiting made her anxious even though she couldn't possibly know anything until tomorrow when the Supervisor of Elections office opened.

Would they gather the ballots in the drop box right away? Do they only check the box certain days? The questions made her unsettled and she had to keep reminding herself to relax.

The next morning she went to work as usual and it kept her mind off the ballot. It wasn't until her work day ended that she thought about it again. It was 4 o'clock so she grabbed her phone and typed the address into the internet search bar to check on its status.

Her fingers a little shaky, her heart pounding fast she typed in her info and cringed when her ballot had yet to be counted. Anxiety washed over her and she reminded herself the benefit of voting early was that if by any chance there was a problem she still had plenty of time to go to the polls.

Marie was uneasy that evening and left the house for dinner in an effort to take her mind off things. She met her good friend Gil. The rain from the previous day had disappeared and the sky was filled with sunlight as they took a seat at an outside table.

Gil's wavy brown hair was more mussed than usual as he raked a hand through it then took a sip of his beer. Their discussion casual, filled with the weather and their jobs. A small blue car pulled into a spot and a man about her age stepped out of the driver's seat. She recognized him but couldn't place his name.

The driver smiled when he spotted Gil and waved at them, soon joining them. His brown eyes lit up as he gave Gil a handshake and introduced himself to her as Ernesto. They'd spoken on various occasions but not much more than a few words.

"Have a seat," Marie said as she pointed to an empty chair. 

He smiled and took her up on her offer. The server appeared and took their orders, returning quickly with a beer for Ernesto who was telling a story about one of his children.

A warm breeze swept over them as they talked and laughed. A young man she'd never met, she guessed him barely old enough to drink as he held a beer in his hand, took a seat with them as Ernesto insisted. 

Her mind far away from the election and the ballot until the young man asked, "So what do you think of Fenwick?"

She assumed he felt comfortable asking that question as the group was racially diverse. She and Gil of European ancestry, Ernesto Hispanic and the young man an African American.

His young dark eyes waited expectantly for one of them to respond so Marie made the first move, "I think Fenwick believes in what he says."

Fenwick was a politician that the older generation generally didn't like. His ideas were radical to them as they grew up in a time when the middle class was strong, had disposable income and the country had just emerged as a world power.

The young people hadn't grown up in that time. They didn't understand. Marie barely understood it as she watched the middle class decline, disposable income reduced and most people living from one paycheck to the next. Young people even with college couldn't afford to live on their own.

It made sense that the younger generation liked Fenwick. He offered something that would help them out of the endless tunnel of debt and living at home forever. She saw the politician as a pipe dream, a utopia, and wasn't sure his ideals could actually work.

Ernesto followed up, "I like his ideas but I worry people would come to dependent on the government," mimicking her own thoughts. 

The conversation stayed on politics and was casual and pleasant. 

Gil noted with a smile, beer in his hand, "This conversation wouldn't happen if there was a fan of you know who here."

Silence formed between them as the four glanced at each other and the empty tables around them. It was an accurate observation. You Know Who followers were loyal even when they didn't realize their loyalty would cause them harm and destroy the democracy of the country.

Marie considered it a mental sickness like a person who gets into an abusive relationship, cuts off their friends, their lives and becomes dependent on the abuser. She had some experience in the area as one of her first jobs out of college was counseling abused spouses, mostly women. The likeness was uncanny. Studying history that's how dictators rose to power. They were people who craved control.

At lunch the following day Marie decided to check her ballot again. This time, she waited anxiously as the internet thought than opened a page that would tell her if it was counted. She scrolled and allowed relief and happiness to wash over her as her vote had been counted. Taking a screen shot just in case, no she admitted it was more to have something to reflect on as she waited out the next three weeks.

copyright Elle Klass 2020

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween is here!

 As a horror/ fantasy and weird stuff author I love Halloween! It's one of my favorite holidays :-) I snuggle up and watch horror movies all night. This year being a weekend I don't have a bed time! 

I bring you my horror sale. All three Evan's Girls books on sale starting today and ending Nov. 14th. Each only .99 USD at most ebook retailers. 

Here's a quick bit about each and a link for you to get your copy now!

At five my parents died in a horrible car crash changing my life for the worst. I was thrust into a life I never expected and had to learn to adapt in order to survive, no matter the cost. Soon I was shuffled into the foster system  becoming a lost child with no ties. My roommate and mortal enemy divulged a troubling rumor about my parents, forcing me to question everything I knew.

Even worse I realized I had a gift ... or a curse that allowed me to see and interact in the spiritual realm. It was only a matter of time before I learned ghosts weren't always trustworthy and some had hidden motives. They become part of my life; past, present and future. I no longer knew who to trust or who to run from. When I met my half-sister I thought my problems were over or at least the odds were looking better until their dirty little secrets spilled over into my life and well-being.

Enough was enough I planned my revenge against those who harmed me using my spiritual talent. It was all that I had and gave me an edge.

Will Scarlett overcome the demons of her past or succumb to them?

Get my copy! Marked down from $3.99

I grew up with the perfect, loving, kind family. My every wish was fulfilled. I married the most wonderful man; always proud, hard-working, and in love with the family we created: two beautiful boys, and a daughter; Erica. Life couldn’t have been better until the secrets of my past surfaced.

From my earliest years, memories were foggy, but I always knew I was adopted. My parents never kept that from me. Piece by piece it all fell apart. Threatening incidents terrorized my family and livelihood. When our dog was murdered in our home, panic shot through me. We moved to the country in an effort to get rid of our stalker.

Everything was peaceful again and returned to normal; then I got a knock on the door...

The deadly secrets of my past rushed forward, as if they were never forgotten, as I looked into the dark eyes of the stranger.

My name is Emily and this is my story.

Get my copy! Marked down from $4.99

After the death of my parents, my grandmother took me in; deep in the bayou of Louisiana. She fell ill soon after and I was left in the care of my aunt and uncle who mistreated me because of the color of my skin. My cousin brutally tormented me for years and within that time I learned I had a special sight that allowed me to see events in the future. Not happy events, but death. I was the grim reaper's handmaiden.

My grandmother recovered after some time and sent me to the Ella Louise School for Girls. Plunged into a new world, I escaped my tormenters only to learn the unspoken truths of the south weren't escapable. The family secrets that haunted my childhood also plagued my future. It was up to me to dig up the buried truth and set it free. Only sometimes the past maybe better left in the past...

Get my copy! Marked down from $4.99

Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Ballot: Part 1

 Marie grabbed the keys from inside her purse as she glanced at the sky. Black clouds told her rain would come soon. In an attempt to beat the rain she opened her garage door, keys in hand and maneuvered around her red Hyundai as she walked at a quick pace to the mailbox. Slipping the key in the lock, it gave it's usual argument as she jiggled the lock and it opened. Inside was the precious letter she'd been waiting impatiently for.

Mail in hand, she inhaled the muggy air and quickly walked back to her house, her heart beating at a pace faster than normal. The leaves on the branches of the large shade trees swayed in the breeze, reminding her rain was on the way. She made it home before the first drop and slipped inside. Opening the letter she laid it on the table and opened the app on her phone where she'd stored the efforts of her research.

With confidence and a careful eye and hand she filled in the bubbles with a black pen. Double checking that she'd made the correct selections. Then slipped the ballot into the security sleeve and carefully slid the ballot into the envelope provided. She sealed it and check all the correct boxes and signed it.

Her heart finally returning to a normal pace but then another thought hit her. Should I mail the ballot? Under most circumstances she wouldn't have thought twice. But this year, this election was like no other and the security of the election had been threatened. The threats so far empty and what she considered a weak man and weak party attempts to control the population. Marie decided it was better to be safe than sorry and searched the Supervisor of Elections website and moaned audibly when the only ballot drop-off was 30 minutes away at the Supervisor of Elections office.

She made the decision to make the drive. It was Sunday and if she dropped it off today by tomorrow it'd be counted and she could breathe easy again.

Picking her keys off the table where she'd laid them in her excitement she thrust her purse over her shoulder and picked up the ballot. She laid the ballot on the front passenger seat as though it was made of glass and started the engine and exited the garage. Rain immediately washed over her windshield. The garage door groaned in its usual fashion as it closed and she reversed out of the driveway and into the street.

This was something she had to do, not only for her but for the country, for the people and for democracy. The drive was pleasant even in the rain. The rhythmic sound of the patter on her windshield drowned by We're Not Going to Take it by Twisted Sister. She couldn't help but see similarities in the song to her current position. She cranked it a little louder.

The rain eased to a drizzle as she entered the sleepy town by the river. Following her GPS it took on a path that weaved through a neighborhood. The oppositions signs planted in two's and three's in people yards as if decorated for the holiday. An eerie feeling clutched her gut as she suddenly felt unsafe and feared for the precious cargo on the passenger seat next to her.

It wasn't as if anyone knew her selections. There was no way they could. She wondered for a second if it would have been safer to mail it or even show up to an earlier voting site. Taking a deep breath she knew what her gut told her. It chanted for her to drop it off. The chant echoed in her head and in her heart. She was making the right choice. The only choice.

However the eerie feeling crept over her spine as she turned the corner, more opposition signs staring at her as if laughing. It was more the gun toting owners of the home she feared over the signs themselves. After all, they were plastic and metal, harmless on their own. It wasn't even the guns that bothered her but she knew the people who owned them and how unreasonable some were when it came to the love of their dictator. 

Any reasoning their mind once held was gone. They worked like a hive mind interpreting the ramblings of a man not only unfit to lead a country but with deep seeded hate for those who opposed him. It was his first action she remembered as the leader of the country in which he'd unAmericanized a young man publicly for using his first amendment rights of free speech and peaceful protest. He ridiculed the young man publicly and his followers played along. They didn't question what they were doing.

A shiver ran down her spine in memory. It was the first glimpse he was a man who craved control. At that time she couldn't have dreamt how far that need for control would go and how divided a once great country that thrived on differing opinions and diversity would fall.

That made her mission all that more imperative and she pulled her car into a spot, close to the ballot box. The silence of the town deafening as she opened the metal door and dropped the precious cargo into the box and closed the door. It seemed like time was never ending as she waited to hear it hit the other ballots in waiting. It's long journey and tink sounding plunk told her there were no other ballots in the box or not many. 

Satisfied, she sucked in a deep breath and walked to her car with confidence. She'd done it. Her ballot was in, now came the waiting game to make sure it was counted.

Copyright Elle Klass 2020

Saturday, October 3, 2020

It is your right! Use your super power!

 As those of us in the U.S. enter the final month before the 2020 election I thought I'd give my opinion(s) on voting.

Voting is a right, granted in the U.S. constitution to all citizens 18 years or older. It is not a privilege or entitlement but a right.

Traditionally the younger generations don't vote in high numbers. After some research it seems something like 30% of young folks voted in 2016.

Traditionally older generations vote in high numbers.

These are important facts. If every young person today voted in the next election they would out number the older generations. As a citizen our super power is the right and practice of voting. I don't think younger people feel much connection with the candidates or understand how powerful their super power is. Sure, neither candidate may embody the change and ideals the younger generation has. That's always going to be the case.

When I was young I didn't feel much connection either and didn't feel election after election that much would ever change. The one thing I always did was vote. It's a tough call sometimes. But I chose to take the stance of voting for the candidate(s) I thought would do the MOST good for the people and the country. That ideal has gotten me through many elections and my conscience feels good with that choice.

If we look at the U.S. today there are glaring problems. Not only in the U.S. but around the world; climate change, running low on natural nonrenewable resources, stripping forests to build homes, stores, gas stations. Viruses have been on the rise as we disturb their natural reservoirs. We also know nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA - the instructions and builders of life - mutate. Viruses are microscopic structures that carry DNA or RNA and they infect cells, usually specific cells. These are issues that plague us.

It seems the older generation sweeps them under the rug. "It's all a hoax, climate change isn't real, what do you mean viruses mutate, there's plenty of coal, oil and natural gas, don't listen to the media." I've heard it all, over and over.

Truth: These things are really happening and the younger generation is attuned to the fact that they are happening. They are discouraged by those who don't believe it. That's why it is so important for young people to vote. It is the world you are inheriting and you can start making a positive difference if you use your super power and vote.

Fact: The younger generations in the U.S. outvoted the older generations in 2018. If only 30% voted, imagine how much a difference 90% would make?

Fact: The younger generations tend to vote very similar. The older generations don't change much in voting patterns and/or parties.

Fact: You don't HAVE to choose a political party. You can register as an independent or no partisan voter.

I urge all the younger people that aren't yet registered to vote to get online now and register.




Once registered use your vote, your voice, your super power to vote in the Nov. 3 election!

Out of Darkness They Came by Gene Penny

 If you're looking for something equal parts suspense, mystery, humor, supernatural with a pinch of yuck, this is it!

My thoughts:
This book isn't exactly what I expected but was a pleasant surprise. There's action, suspense, supernatural and simply some oddities that made it both funny and a nail biter. A group of students and a few adults are in a high school during the wee hours of the morning when a series of strange occurrences start to happen. As a high school biology teacher who is an hour early ever day, before the sun is up, the sky outside is black, I'm in my classroom preparing for the day. I know what those times feel like and the authors descriptions were so very appropriate and true. They had me laughing.
Gene Penny is a very talented writer. The descriptions were spot on and done with finesse. The characters were three dimensional, mind you I didn't like them all. But if a book is written appropriately I won't like them all. There was more language in it than I personally care for and even though the narrator was good, great pacing, I was a bit unnerved by the male to female voices. That's probably more of a personal listening thing.
The story was great! I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys mystery, suspense and/or the supernatural.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Curse of Dead Horse Canyon: Cheyenne Sprits book 1 by Marcha Fox and Pete Risingsun

 Conspiracy, thriller, suspense! I was on the edge of my seat! Great start to a series.

My thoughts: 

This story starts with a bang and is filled with suspense and intrigue. Marcha Fox weaves environmental issues into a conspiracy that builds with each new discovery from the main characters. She is also expertly embeds astrology into guiding characters through the maze of the government mess. Co-author Pete Risingsun adds an authentic touch to the native american trials and curse of Deadhorse Canyon and Charlie's journey back to his native ways in order to uncover the conspiracy that killed his best friend.
Each character is carefully crafted and realistic as well as the center of the plot. It is a complex story that's difficult to put down. I recommend it to any reader who enjoys mystery, conspiracy and intrigue.

Friday, June 26, 2020

A Dark of Endless Days by Marcha Fox

This series is one of my all time favorites. I first read the ebooks but now that they are being put into audio I'm listening to those. 

My thoughts:
Marcha Fox has a way of putting the reader into the moment with her colorful imagination and impeccable talent. The Brightstar family is on Cyraria, a planet being colonized. It's hot and horrible and to make things worse Laren is taken and imprisoned leaving his family on their own to survive. Meanwhile rebel teen Creena is stuck on Earth; a planet with outdated technology who know little about life outside their planet. She just wants to get home to her family unknowing of what Cyraria is really like.

Each word, each sentence builds the plot and the suspense! The characters are vivid and alive and the world(s) Marcha creates are realistic and believable. The narrator T.W. Ashworth does a great job with the characters and pacing of the story. It's a must for anyone who loves a great sci-fi story!


Sunday, June 7, 2020

Debbie. Every plantation has a story buried deep inside it.

I give you the first chapter of Debbie. A biracial orphaned child forced to live deep in the bayou with her racist and cruel "white" family. I didn't know when I wrote this or when I set up the preorder and chose the publication date that it would be during a time of such civil unrest.
That's not something I could have foreseen. I do feel there are many messages in Debbie's story and as characters go she is one of my favorites. She fights in a world I'm not sure most of us can fully understand yet she finds a way to love and forgive; maybe some vengeance along the way... It wouldn't be much of a story if she was always completely humble. However she is strong in ways I'm not and her story has many layers.

The earliest memory is the scent of my mother. She smells like gardenias in bloom. I inhale deeply as if it will help me remember better but there are no gardenias here. I see her smile, teeth straight and white. Her lips red as cherries. The sun on her fair ebony skin makes it glow and her eyes are like dark silk. I know most of that is a fabrication in my head since I was a baby when she died.
A breeze rustles the leaves hanging from the cypress. My mind sees them sway. When I open my eyes they hang still, Spanish moss falling over the edges like a waterfall. I wonder if my mother sat beneath the same trees and imagined life. I often sneak away, whenever I think I won’t get caught.
My mother grew up in the house I live in. It’s large with four columns in front as if they’re holding it up. The porch wraps around it. Inside is a large entryway with fine marble floors that have seen better days. There are many rooms. I should know, as I spend days exploring.
The staircase loops around with iron bars. Glass chandeliers hang from the high ceilings and fancy designs are carved into the molding around the walls, floors, walkways, and ceilings. There’s the library filled with rows of books and a ladder that rolls along the shelves to reach the high ones.
Large windows in each room spill light throughout the house. Except the library: because of its burgundy walls and dark wood it always looks like night. At one time the home was marvelous but now it is in need of paint and repairs.
My uncle is a quiet man with no opinions of his own it seems, as he never voices any and my aunt walks around with a chip on her shoulder. Neither like me much. They don’t say it in words but they do in actions and expressions. I’m not their child. I’m not even a child they wanted in their home. They took me because there was no one else and they hide me away. I haven’t seen beyond our lonely spot in the bayou.
The crunching of dirt alerts me someone is near. Judging by the steps it’s Malery, my disgruntled cousin. A kick to my thigh tells me I was right. “Hey, dimwit, where the fuck you been?”
I cringed. I hated that name -- dimwit -- because my mother was black and Malery, like the rest of my family, considered people with color stupid. Although it was better than the other names he’s called me over the years. “I have a name, you know.”
He shrugged. “Whatever. Get the fuck back home.”
He kicked the dirt beside my head. The particles blew in my face. I sat up, spitting the dirt from my lips. Luckily, I closed my eyes in time. He meant business. If I didn’t follow him now, I’d get the attic. It was filled with shadows that crept in the dark and loud moans and creaks. It was there I found the locket. It was hung on a long, gold chain with a skeleton key. One side was a beautiful young woman with skin the color of mine. I imagined it was my mom but I really didn’t know.
Malery stayed two steps behind me, kicking the dirt every few feet so it would spray on my legs. I didn’t say a word but imagined kicking dirt clods into his eyes and pouring mud over his head. I touched the locket under my shirt. To me it was a way of keeping my mom close even though I knew she probably wasn’t my mom. It didn’t matter, because if she was alive I wouldn’t be here in this shipwreck of a mansion living with a wretched family.
I opened the door and was greeted by my aunt. “Where have you been?” she sneered. “I told you not to leave the grounds. If you can’t follow the rules, I’ll put a chain leash around that ankle.” She kicked my shin for emphasis.
I cringed, but knew better than to speak. She was mean enough to act on her words. I ate my dinner at the small table in the kitchen by myself. They always ate in the dining room but I wasn’t allowed to join them. I wasn’t allowed out of my room when they had company. I dared not try or it would be the attic with the ghosts.

After dinner, I cleaned the dishes and packed away the leftovers. From the window of my room I stared at the moon. It was a full, blood-moon. A gunshot cracked through the sky shaking the house to its foundation.

Releases July 14th!
Preorder your ecopy!
I prefer paperback. Available at many chain and private retailers. 
Read Part 1 Death's Seed free!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Stormbreaker by Matt Sconce

Grand Adventure!

My Thoughts:
I loved the originality of the story. Mac is a kid who learns he's a Stormbreaker. He's always had a strange mark but never had any idea what it meant. Once he finds out there'sno going back

This story is full of adventure and action. There isn't a dull moment as each word takes the reader closer to the climax. The narration is as good as the story. Excellent story!


Sunday, May 10, 2020

A War of Hearts by Karen Lynn

A dark romanc about the world of obsession!

My thoughts:
Kristen get a life without a man! Dump them!
Seriously, those are my thoughts. Kristen is a weak minded female who feels she needs to some void in her life with a man. It's like she can't function without drama in her life. Unfortunately, there are people just like Kristen.
Kristen is a train wreck. Her husband Logan is a low life who gets his moeny illegally, cheats left and right, and is spiralling in a dark world. Kristen meets Jake and she cheats too. Jake is a decent guy but he has a temper and she barely knows him before moving in with him. Kristen is constantly pulled back into Logan's clutches and I didn't undersatnd why. She's a complete hot mess. I thought she should leave both men and start a life from scratch.
I think the moral of this story is women and men alike get stuck in these horrible relationships and even though they aren't happy and know they are completely wrong stay in them. They're toxic.
The story is well-written.I think the only character I liked was Marty. She's the voice of reason which is probably why I liked her. The plot builds like a multi-car crash on the freeway.

The story is dark and disturbing. The characters are obsessive. This book is for those who can handle the vexing world of obsessive romance.

Song of the Reaper by Stephanie Harrell. A novella from the Once Upon Academy Anthology

One by one I'll giving you my opinion of all the Once Upon Academy Short stories in the anthology except of course my own. Keep in mind I hadn't read any of the stories until I got a copy of the book. 
The second story is Song of the Reaper by Stephanie Harrell
I loved it! Lyra and her two sisters are swept away to OUA when their father Mr. Piper gets a job as a teacher at the school. Lyra Piper soon finds out she can compel people with music and there's a family curse! It doesn't get much worse until Lyra is faced with a life or death decision.
The story is exciting and original with a touch of darkness. My kind of story!
Get your copy in ebook!
I want the paperback!
Join the OUA mailing list.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Bird's Eye View by Kerry Evelyn. A novella from the Once Upon Academy Anthology

One by one I'll giving you my opinion of all the Once Upon Academy Short stories in the anthology except of course my own. Keep in mind I hadn't read any of the stories until I got a copy of the book. 
The first story is Bird's Eye View by Kerry Evelyn.
I loved the simplicity of the story. She doesn't add in too many characters and spends the story mostly building two characters Nettie and Reggie. I loved getting to  know them.
Reggie's been at OUA for 4 years and has no clue what to do when he graduates or maybe he'll stay for grad studies. All he knows is he likes to fly. Nettie is a freshman. She hates birds yet she works on this fear volunteering to work with children and baby birds. 
The two don't know each other until they are locked in the observatory tower together by accident. Well, it wasn't an accident that Reggie was locked in there but it was chance that Nettie was there. She was simply trying to watch a meteor shower.
Through their experience they get to know each other and their lives are put in peril.
Suspense, fantasy, romance, mystery it's all in this finely crafted short story. At OUA magic is commonplace and Kerry Evelyn masterfully weaves these elements into the story. I felt like I'd been transported to OUA.

Get your copy in ebook!
I want the paperback!
Join the OUA mailing list!

For the rest of the week you can email your proof of purchase to onceuponacademyantho@gmail.com and get the welcome packet.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Bone Stars character interview with Grenna

I am pleased to have another Once Upon Academy student with us here today. Meet Grenna.
Hi Grenna! It's so nice to meet you. Tell us have you decided on a major at the Once Upon Academy?

Yeah... Um... I chose psychic communication.

You don't sound convinced?

I am now. At first I only chose it because OUA doesn't have vet classes but now I'm commited and actually enjoying it.

Wonderful news! Do you have any magical abilities?

Yes. It's been difficult for me to accept this and even more difficult to talk about it, especially in public. I see auras, colors surrounding people that change with their moods.

Wow! Can you tell me my mood?

You're mostly green meaning health and harmony. There's also a pink ring in the middle of the green. I'm not sure what that means. I'm only beginning to understand and interpret what I see.

I'll take health and harmony! Why did you choose Once Upon Academy?

Well... it wasn't my first choice. I wanted an Ivy League school like Harvard. I think my parents had something to do with my application and acceptance to OUA. They won't admit it but I'm sure they are the guilty party.

What is your greatest accomplishment?

Graduating highschool with a 4.5 GPA. I worked hard for that, studied constantly.

Describe yourself in three words?

Shy, unathletic, and smart

Do you have any handicaps and how do you compensate?

Not really. At first the aura thing was like a handicap but once I figured it out it's really quite helpful.

What is your favorite food?

Does coffee count? I live on that right now. My favorite is blond with a double shot and Italian cream.

Of course coffee counts!  Do you have a favorite book or movie?

Medical texts, mostly on animal anatomy and physiology. Now that I say that I realize I spent far too much time studying in high school. I need to get out and watch some movies!

Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?

An introvert!

Is there anything else you'd like to add before we close?

I'd just like to add thank you for inviting me. 

Thank you Grenna!

Find out more about Grenna in the Once Upon Academy Anthology!

Bone Stars by Elle Klass

Grenna isn't too thrilled to attend the Once Upon Academy. She was hoping for something less magical and more Ivy League, until she meets Mandevar, a magic physics major who’s hot under his apparent nerdiness and begins to think otherwise.

Their first date is where the adventure begins. Mandevar is a bit of a mystery and continues to surprise her. Turns out he isn't the only surprise when they get lost together in an enchanted forest.

Get Grenna's Acceptance Letter here!

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Taming Her Might character interview with Celeste Hartmann

It's so exciting to be interviewing students from the prestigious Once Upon Academy. Today we have Celeste Hartmann with us!

Thank you so much for joining us Celeste. Tell us have you chosen a major?


No problem. Why did you choose the Once Upon Academy?

I wanted to go to the most prestigious magical school ever!

Do you have any magical skills?

I'm a dragon shifter, apparently. I didn't know that until later. I was born with elemental magic though.

What is your greatest accomplishment?

Learning to control my powers.

How would you describe yourself in three words?

Loyal, stubborn, and friendly.

Do you have any handicaps and how do you compensate?

I couldn't control my magic at first. Any time I got scared, I would accidentally soak something, electrocute something, or things like that. Then when I became a shifter, I couldn't control that either. It took finding a friend that could connect with my dragon to learn how to control anything.

I can see how that could be a huge problem. You're lucky to have the support from a friend who could help you. Would you consider yourself and introvert ot extrovert?

An introvert.

Do you have any favorite foods?

Hmmm. I like all kinds of food. I'm a sucker for anything chocolate, though.

Me too! Do you have a favorite book or movie you'd like to share with the TTO's readers?

I love to read anything! You can't expect me to choose just one book. Or movie for that matter.

Is there anything else you'd like to add before I wrap things up?

Um, not really. Can I go yet? I'm supposed to be meeting Lenna and Kierra before we meet Mirella for Ethics tutoring.

Most certainly, we don't want to interrupt your studies any longer than needed. Thank you so much for joining us today Celeste!

Find out more about Celeste in the Once Upon Academy Anthology. 

Taming Her Might by Toni Peden

Will betrayal be her downfall or her saving grace?

     Celeste Hartmann has been accepted to the very prestigious Once Upon Academy and everything seemed to be going great. She's settled into her classes and made a few close friends.

    After being betrayed by someone she thought was her friend, Celeste's world is turned upside down. With the help of her best friends, can she overcome her obstacles and tame her might, or will she be consumed by the beast inside her fighting to be free?

Grab Celeste Acceptance Letter Here!

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Song of the Reaper character interview with Lyra Piper

With me today is another student from Once Upon Academy. Welcome Lyra Piper!
TTO: Welcome Lyra. So tell us what is your major at Once Upon Academy?

Lyra: Spell Casting with Concentrations in Reaper Studies and Musical Empathy

TTO: That sounds exciting and busy. Is there any special reason you chose Once Upon Academy?

Lyra: My sisters and I were accepted after my Dad (Reed Piper) took the position as the new music professor. Honestly, I didn't want to go, but I've been having some uh, anger issues lately and the only ones who've stuck by me are my dad and sisters. They were so excited to go that I didn't have the heart to ruin it for them.

TTO: It sounds like a great opportunity. I hope you are enjoying the school now that you are there. The school is filled with magic. Do you have any special abilities?

Lyra: My whole family can play pretty much any instrument. I can totally lose myself when I play my violin.  Oh wait, you mean "special skills"... The night I arrived at OUA I found out that my dad, sisters, and I can compel people with our music. Apparently, it's a skill passed down from my great (x10 or something like that) grandfather. But that wasn't the biggest surprise. We also have a family curse that I couldn't avoid. I'm still kind of dealing with it. Do you mind if we don't talk about it?

TTO: No problem! Piercings and tattoos are so popular these days. Do you have any?

Lyra: Besides the holes in my ears, nope. Now that I'm 18 though I'm totally getting a tattoo!

TTO: What would you consider you greatest accomplishment?

Lyra: My day of my greatest accomplishment is also my worst day ever. Last year, I'd been accepted by Julliard to audition for a spot in this years class. My performance was flawless. Afterward, they hinted I was going to be accepted. 

Then I blew it. 

It's so embarrassing...Like I mentioned earlier...I've been having a hard time dealing with my anger and some other girl auditioning was a total asshole...I mean jerk. Crap, can you bleep that out? She made me so mad I couldn't just walk away...not my finest moment. 

Julliard decided I wasn't a good fit after that.

TTO: When one door is closed another is opened. How would you describe yourself in three words?

Lyra: Loyal, Badness, Fun

TTO: Not talking about the thing we aren't talking about. Do you have any handicaps?

Lyra: No, not unless you count my family's curse (she shrugs).

TTO: Would you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?

Lyra: Normally, I'd say extrovert but lately I've been kind of pissing most people in my life off so...I've become an introvert by default.

TTO: I think you're great! How about food. What is your favorite?

Lyra: Pizza. Hands down. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

TTO: Me too! We should grad a slice sometime. How about movies or books, do you have a favorite?

Lyra: I'd have to say, Princess Bride. It was one of my mom's favorites and when I watch it...it makes me think of her.

TTO: Before we wrap this up, is there anything else you'd like to add?

Lyra: My sisters and I started a band before we came to OUA, Rockin' Sirens. Maybe you could let your readers know. We play at parties, coffee houses ~ really anywhere and can play pretty much anything.

TTO: Definitely! You heard it, look out for the Rockin' Sirens! Thank you so much Lyra for joining me today.
Find out more about Lyra in the Once Upon Academy Anthology!

Song of the Reaper by Stephanie Harrell
Lyra and her twin sister Aria already had their gap year figured out. They would follow the path of their older sister in getting a job, then spend their evenings playing in their band, captivating audiences with their entrancing, rock and roll sound.

Then Lyra and her sisters learn they’ve been accepted to Once Upon Academy, a school they'd never heard of, and only because their dad was chosen to be the new music professor.

Figuring her way around a new school, having a princess for a roommate, and learning fairy tale creatures do exist is just the beginning. Not only does she have to balance classwork, homework, and a new social scene, but she now has to deal with the consequences of a family curse that will definitely take up all of her free time…

It also doesn't help that she can’t stop thinking about her new reaping partner, Cole, who barely acknowledges she exists.

This semester may just be the death of Lyra Piper.

Grab Lyra's Acceptance Letter here!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sense & Sensitivty character interview with Princess of Viasens

Today we have a real live Princess with us! Joining us from the Once Upon Academy.

Let's start with your name because there's a bit of a story behind it and I think the readers will want to hear.

Princess of Viasens: (Adeline)
My adoptive fathers called me Adeline Augustin-Mignon. Recently, I learned my birth name: Adeline Sophia Margarette Sauveterre, Princess of Viasens.

I hope you don't mind I'm going to be less formal and call you Adeline. What is your major at OUA?

I haven't declared a major.

Why did you choose Once Upon Academy?

I never applied for Once Upon Academy, but I chose to go when my letter arrived for so many reasons—out of duty to the crown and the people of Viasens, out of respect for my poor birth parents' wishes, but most of all, out of a desire to know what the world outside my doorstep was truly like, since I didn't have much of a chance to explore it.

Do you have any special skills?

I am adept at needlecraft, but I know that's not what you mean. My "special skill" is my extreme sensitivity. It applies to everything from my five senses to my intuition. It's been more of a burden to bear throughout my life than a blessing. The reason I can sew, knit, and crochet so well is because I make my own clothing. I've made more pairs of gloves than I can count.

That's an incredible talent. I can barely sew a button. Do you have any tattoos, piercings or scars?

I could never get a tattoo or piercing—I would faint from the pain!—but I have countless scars. They're in the usual places—knees, elbows, and wherever small children hurt themselves the most—but there are so many. Luckily, they are all covered by the clothes I wear.

What is your greatest accomplishment?

I secretly planned a special evening for Papa and Pappy's twentieth anniversary. I copied the handwriting of some of their business partners and sent them on a wild goose chase all afternoon while I prepared the dinner. So many things went horribly wrong! Ultimately, however, the night was a success

How would you describe yourself in three words?

I am empathetic, curious, and cautious.

Do you have any handicaps and how do you compensate?

Oh, let me count the ways! I wear gloves and special shoes to prevent the pain of everyday touching and walking, I stay inside almost all of the time to avoid disturbing sounds and smells, and I am always the last to finish a meal because I have to wait so long for my food to cool. These are all small things, of course, and I truly don't mind having to accommodate myself. I do feel a little sorry for my fathers, and for their business partners—most of them are used to my peculiarities by now, but that wasn't always the case.

We all have pecularities. I'm sure your fathers understand. Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?

I am an introvert.

What is your favorite food?

I love cocoa, but it must be at a lukewarm temperature, or I'll surely burn my tongue!

Do you have a favorite book or movie?

We don't have movies where I come from, but I do love a particular book—forgive me, the title and author escape me now—about four sisters growing up together. I don't have any siblings, and friends are hard to come by when your sensitivity prevents you from leaving the house very often, so escaping into their lives was a true joy. 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I just hope Once Upon Academy is as life-changing as it claims to be. I'll need a miracle ???.

Find out more about Adeline in the Once Upon Academy Anthology.

Sense & Sensitivty by Emma Fontaine

After learning she's the secret daughter of the princess who sat on the pea, sensitive shut-in Adeline Augustin-Mignon is swept away to Once Upon Academy, a magical school filled with surprises around every corner.

One of those surprises is Quilo Stenberg, handsome son of a cold-hearted villainess. Adeline knows she shouldn't be getting herself into that kind of trouble, even if his rumored icy exterior seems to melt only for her.

But when they're paired up together for a dangerous project, Adeline and Quilo must use their unique abilities to save each other's grades.

And each other's lives.

Grab Adeline's Acceptance Letter Here!
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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Bird's Eye View character interview with Antoinette Chaikova

Today, joining us from the Once Upon Academy is Antoinette Chaikova, but most people call her Nettie.
It's such an honor to have you with us today Nettie. Tell us what is your major?


I understand completely! Why did you choose the Once Upon Academy?

My parents REALLY wanted me to attend.

Parents are strange that way. I'm sure you're happy you decided to follow their advice. Do you have any special skills?

Not particularly, but the headmistress assures me all will be revealed and cultivated during my time at OUA.

What is your greatest accomplishment?

Hmmm... if you ask my parents, I'm not sure if they'd tell you it was been being named prima ballerina or my acceptance letter...

How would you describe yourself in three words?

Compassionate, down-to-earth, and flexible.

Do you have any handicaps and how do you compensate?

Not that I know of.

What is your favorite food?

Anything sweet.

Do you have a favorite movie or book you want to share?

Not really, but i love anything with astronomy and mythology. 

Is there anything else you'd like add before we close today?

I'm a bit ashamed to admit it, but I'm afraid of birds. All birds. My mother was cursed by a wizard when she refused to marry him. He'd make the shape of an owl and haunted her. When I was a kid, my parents used to frighten my brother and I that the owl might come and curse us. Never really got past that, so I just avoid birds whenever possible.

We all have fears, no need to feel ashamed. Thank you so much for joining us Nettie. Have a wonderful afternoon!

Find out more about Nettie in the Once Upon Academy Anthology!

Bird's Eye View by Kerry Evelyn
When Nettie’s life is in peril, her true self will take flight.

Nettie’s acceptance to Once Upon Academy is the success she’s waited her whole life for. The prima ballerina has spent her life following rules and obeying her parents, but has no idea who she really is.

Reggie, a fifth-year senior and orphan, only knows one thing: he likes to fly. So when one of his flying students reveals to him he has the mark of a royal phoenix shifter, he’s excited to conquer the sky for real and learn more about his heritage.

But will he get his chance? When Nettie and Reggie are locked in a tower by a foe on the eve of Reggie’s first transformation, his life is in mortal danger. Helping him means Nettie must face her own greatest fear. Can they save themselves and each other?

Get a copy of Nettie's Acceptance Letter here!

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