Several months ago with little knowledge of building a website I jumped in, got my feet wet, and learned the website provider/builder I choose was a pain.
My original website was not user friendly. I had little to no experience building a website so I learned as I went. Thanks to a great friend of mine who taught me a few technology tips before he passed away in 2013 I was able to construct an okay site but hated working with it. Once I created this blog I rarely messed with the website at all; it was too much of a hassle.
My new website is not only user friendly but a pleasure to work with. I went with weebly and absolutely reccomend it especially if your technology abilities are limited. It's still a work in progress but looks fantastic!
Here is a tip I learned from my techie friend when adding buttons facebook, twitter, etc. Once you get the code paste it into a notepad file and save this, makes it easy to cut and paste onto each page and edit for future use.
Code was my biggest problem. Weebly uses Iframe, not sure the difference between html and Iframe. Blogger works with html unless it's added through a link on layout page then it accepts Iframe. The dilemna with this is not all code is interchangeable, sometimes you have the option and can pick and choose but not always. Weebly using Iframe makes it easier since it seems most code comes in Iframe. If your a techie I would love to know the difference, although in "code for dummies language".
Back to my website: I have a page for each of my books and invite you to take a look. I also have autographed novels As Snow Falls for sale using paypal (love paypal) as well as info about my stories and me.
Have a fantastic Easter!