For the past couple weeks I've had new covers for all Baby Girl Books and I've waited impatiently to show them off. Cover for In the Beginning Book I. Thanks to Manuela Cardiga for designing all the covers. It was a wonderful surprise!
In the Beginning not only has a brilliant new cover but a couple new scenes, additions to scenes, and another few rounds of editing. Book I will be available Monday May 4th. Each week another book in the series will be released. Start reading now from the beginning.
One night Star and Peewee followed us out and caught up to us as we finished hijacking items from the house. The second we stepped outside the house a familiar whisper, “Cleo” alerted me Star followed us. My body halted mid-stride as I caught sight of her and Peewee’s shadows standing against the wall of the house. Einstein motioned for them to edge their way to the back of the house where there were no light sensors. Star shuffled towards us, but Peewee stepped out too far and the lights went on brightening the entire side of the house. Oh crap! We fled in varying directions. I held the bag of loot in my hand and once I ran I didn’t turn my head to look behind me. I hastened my pace at the sounds of people. Several blocks away I cowered in an alley to catch my breath. Einstein was right behind me and ducked into the alley with me.
“Star and Peewee, are they with you?”
He shook his head as if to say ‘no’ and turned his eyes downward. “It’s time to leave” he said after a moment of silence.
“OK, yeah, we need to get back.”
He grasped my shoulders. “Leave - as in this city. There were too many lights, commotion, and sirens at the scene for Star and Peewee to slip away. They aren’t as savvy as we are. The police are gonna be looking for us next.”
My mind absorbed with escaping I missed the wailing sirens. He was right and my head reeled at the implications his words threw at me.
“You think they’ll tell on us?”
The nod of his head told me ‘yes’.
I couldn’t leave yet I needed my bag from its secret place.
“We gotta go back to the warehouse. I have something hidden there that I need.” His eyes grew soft, and he agreed.
Back at the warehouse, I went straight to my secret place. Within minutes the sound of voices tickled our eardrums and lights flashing beneath us.
“Squish in beside me.”
Without a moment to spare Einstein squeezed in the cubby hole. Radios blared on the other side of the cubby and police scoured the building but came up empty. I whispered in Einstein’s ear, “Star and Peewee squealed quick.”
“They did - or the police are here for something else.” ‘Something else’ was possible. Either way, neither of us wanted to get caught. Hours passed with Einstein and I scrunched on top of each other. Teenage hormones, close quarters, and our semi attraction to each other brought our relationship to a new level. Our hearts raced together from the excitement. Einstein held me flush against him.
Links for purchase - available by 5/4
In the Beginning (Baby Girl Book 1)
Amazon U.S.
Google Play